Commit to Connect Summit
On May 9, Catherine Ipsen was part of the Social Engagement and Rural Communities Panel at the Commit to Connect Social Engagement Virtual Summit. She and the panel discussed the intersection of factors that contribute to social isolation among older adults and people with disabilities in rural communities, as well as innovative solutions.
RCLD In-Person Meeting
RTC:Rural and APRIL were excited to finally meet partners from CILs across the country in person! We made peer connections and worked on developing rural outreach techniques and using research tools in our Rural Community Living Development project!
NARRTC Best Paper
RTC:Rural attended the 2023 NARRTC Conference at the end of April and won the 2023 Best Paper Award for "Comparing Measures of Functional Difficulty with Self-Identified Disability: Implications for Health Policy." Congratulations!
Hopefulness and Meaning Paper
Krys Standley and Rayna Sage conducted a pilot study on an individualized health coaching intervention for adults with any type of disabilities, titled Health My Way, that used a disability-specific health-promotion curriculum. Their findings showed the importance of hope and meaning to begin and maintain physical activity for improved health. Stay tuned for the full text.
The Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities (RTC:Rural) conducts research on disability as part of the Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities at the University of Montana.
RTC:Rural is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) grant number 90RTCP0002 to improve the ability of people with disabilities to engage in rural community living.